How To Choose Plants At A Plant Nursery

Most people have at least a few plant nurseries near them, and each nursery has hundreds of plants. That means most people have easy access to thousands of plants locally. Here's how to choose the best plants from the ones that are available in your area.

Find a Specialized Nursery

No matter what type of plant you're looking for, there's likely a nursery that has many of the types of plants that you're looking for. For example, some nurseries focus on berries or trees, which are great choices for those respective plant types. Other nurseries have lots of flowers or vegetables. Some even only sell one type of flower, such as orchids or roses.

You should seek out a specialized nursery for a couple of reasons. First, the nursery will have lots of plants for you to choose from. It'll have a number of varieties of your plant type, and plenty of plants for each variety. For instance, a berry nursery will likely have low-bush and high-bush blueberries, several varietals of each, and plenty of each variety.

Second, the staff at a specialized nursery will be well-versed in the particular types of plants they sell. The staff can recommend the right varietals for your particular growing area and purposes. They also will know how to care for each varietal, including its preferred temperatures, peak season, watering needs, and preferred soil type.

Choose the Best Varietal for Your Situation

Within each plant type, different varietals will have different features and preferred growing conditions.

Low-bush and high-bush blueberries are an example of how varietals of the same type of plant can differ. There are varietals of low-bush and high-bush blueberries, but the varietals within each grouping have the same general traits. 

Low-bush blueberries prefer acidic soil, withstand very cold temperatures, and produce small berries. High-bush blueberries need less acidic soil, withstand cold (but not quite as cold) temperatures, and produce larger blueberries. High-bush plants are also easier to pick from, as they aren't as low to the ground.

Check your growing region, but then consider how your place's specific geography affects your unique growing conditions. Also, consider what you want from plants, whether that's the taste of a berry or the color of a flower. Choose the best varietals given these factors.

Choose the Most Mature Plants

All of the plants at a plant nursery will be viable, but the most mature ones will grow the quickest. Look for the biggest and greenest plants.

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Gardening For Fun

One of the first things that I loved about buying my first home was enjoying my time outside. I have always loved being outdoors and feeling the sunshine on my face, but when it came to working on my own land, it was an absolutely incredible feeling. I learned how to create an absolutely stunning space, without wasting time or money. This blog is all about enjoying gardening with friends and family members, and knowing how to get the most bang for your buck. Check out this blog for more ideas on how to create a garden that you will treasure.