Shade Tree Selection And Planting Options

Sitting underneath a majestic tree's branches and sipping a glass of lemonade while perched on top of a homemade swing is a priceless activity that you may relish at some point in your life. The first step after acquiring home ownership is to determine how you are going to utilize the space outside. Choose some shade tree varieties and pick some favorable parts of your yard to complete the planting duties.

It Can Be Difficult to Envision a Mature Tree

When you go shopping for trees, you are going to be greeted with a variety of small saplings. This can deceive you into believing that a tree will not provide you with the shade that you desire. Deciduous, evergreen, and ornamental are the three main tree types. Do you long for broad leaves, thick branches, and the opportunity to observe the brilliant fall colors of the foliage? If so, select a deciduous variety.

If you love the scent of pine or maybe would even like to create a wreath during the holidays, an evergreen or an ornamental tree that contains needles will be a suitable variety for your tastes. A sales clerk can help you locate trees that will grow to be a specific height or girth and will recommend trees that produce fruit, if you would like to own some shade trees that possess fruit-bearing capabilities.

In addition, you will learn about the time that you can expect for a tree to mature. If you are anxious for the trees to take on a prominent role and cover a great deal of your property, buy a variety that is noted for its rapid growth rate.

The Planting Locations Are Important

Choosing where to plant the saplings may prove to be as difficult as it was when deciding which tree varieties to purchase. It isn't going to be easy to move mature trees to a different location, if you discover down the road that your initial planting locations don't work well for you any longer. The locations picked should receive plenty of sunlight and should not be close to electrical wires or your home.

Use the trees to create a border along the front of your yard or choose some random locations so that you can enjoy the trees from all sides of your home. If your main objective is to spend time outdoors and you don't want your neighbors or motorists ogling you, select some planting locations that are in the back of your yard. 

About Me

Gardening For Fun

One of the first things that I loved about buying my first home was enjoying my time outside. I have always loved being outdoors and feeling the sunshine on my face, but when it came to working on my own land, it was an absolutely incredible feeling. I learned how to create an absolutely stunning space, without wasting time or money. This blog is all about enjoying gardening with friends and family members, and knowing how to get the most bang for your buck. Check out this blog for more ideas on how to create a garden that you will treasure.